
First Kids

EVERY CHILD is a work in progress, alive with possibilities! God has a plan for each one. First Kids is excited to partner with families to help them know, grow and show God's love!

 The desire of First Kids is that each child will come to know the amazing love of God in his/her life and be able to show that love to others. Games, crafts, and hands-on Bible time teach them the truth of God's word. Hiding God's word in our hearts like the bible teaches prepares kids to make real life decisions based on HIS ultimate truth.

Our team of First Kids volunteers is excited and passionate about kids experiencing Jesus in a life changing way!

From birth to 5th grade, First Kids has a variety of small group classes as well as Kids Church designed for all elementary age children during our main Sunday morning service. The gospel of Jesus Christ is shared and an invitation to be a part of God's family is given each week.

Kids Church @ 10:00AM

Pre-K to 5th

Kids will enjoy the music portion of the main service in the auditorium and then head to FIRST KIDS for their very own teaching time with games, object lessons, and lots of fun! 

Nursery Care for our littles age (Birth to 3 years old) is available during the morning worship gathering 10:00AM.

Wednesday Night Bible Club @ 6:30PM

Age 4 years old to 5th grade

Each Wednesday, kids are invited to learn about Jesus in this fast-paced, high-energy time of worship, games, small group discussion and MORE!